Hey There, thanks for coming over with me to this page where I’ll explain a bit more what this all means for you.
So many people sort of ‘freeze up’ when they hear the word ‘creative or creativity’, they automatically tell themselves they aren’t. And yet, research shows that every human being is naturally creative, we’re either using it or we aren’t.
At this point in our evolution, we need access to our creativity. Everyone needs this access if they wish to thrive.
We need access if we are going to find solutions to personal, local, and global problems, and to create new solutions and realities to replace the ones that no longer serve us.
We actually need our creativity in order to be in a whole relationship with our life force, vitality, wisdom, abundance, success, and in relationship with our Source.
Here’s a cool secret: The energy that pulses through us, our Qi, our very Source of Life, is the exact same Source that creates worlds, that creates all, that is creative in nature, that is each of us. So you see, we can’t NOT be a creative being as an extension of the Creative Source of Life, but we can NOT be using our creative potential.
To be clear, this isn’t about creating art that fills gallery walls, unless that’s what someone wants to do, neither is it about have any experience whatsoever, rather, it’s about each of us aligning ourselves with the energy that is Creation itself in order to affect change in our bodies and lives, which, in turn, ripples out into the world as beauty, solutions, ideas, abundance, vitality, and most important of all…love.
It’s about allowing our creative life force to teach us that we are enough, that plenty is the truth not lack. That we can enter the quantum field of possibility by way of a creative process, rather than staying stuck in limitation. That disease can be used as a compost of sort and repurposed as vital energy. That all our failures and our limiting beliefs and all the stories we have around our failures can be transmuted and put to good use.
Have you ever worked with someone who can’t get unstuck, they want to really bad, and you can see they’re feet are moving really fast, yet they don’t move forward, like being on a hamster’s wheel. It’s exhausting and frustrating, and there’s a lot of wasted time, energy, and money on this wheel?
Then they’ve got to get off a lot to rest and regroup, this can tend to be where clients drop out in their transformational work, they just can’t keep up the pace to get over the hurdle. They think there’s something wrong with them, or that you may not the right fit for them.
None of that is true at all, what’s actually happening is they’re simply leaving out a really important ingredient in their transformation recipe. That ingredient is accessing their Creative Life Force.
What happens over and over, with literally hundreds and hundreds of women who engage in a creative healing process, is that they get unstuck, they transform old beliefs, stories, disharmony, and energy.
This is an alchemical process that happens while engaging in creativity with intention.
Ok, so in case you’re wondering how all this plays out, let me explain…
- You and I will become affiliate partners
- You extend the invitation to your e-mail list offering a complimentary class on How to Create Embodied Abundance (abundance to me means…the truth, wholeness and goodness of our being). (see link below)
- After the complimentary class, if your community members or clients decide to purchase a 4 week class in order to take a deeper dive, you will receive a 40% commission for every purchase made.
- This 4 week virtual class couldn’t be more doable, it’s delivered online, thus, one can take the class in the comfort of their own home when convenient. Everything is mapped out via videos, journal prompts, and worksheets.
Below are 2 links so you can see what you’ll be offering:
- The complimentary video class you can see here: https://5elementcreativehealing.com/abundance-video-3/
- At the end of the complimentary class, I extend an invitation to take a deeper dive with their creative life force, to transform what’s not working into a feeling of being enough in an embodied abundant way. This is the information and written invitation for that class: https://5elementcreativehealing.com/information/
The paid class is offered for $297.00 which makes your commission (if we round up :)) $120.00 per person who enrolls.
When you become an affiliate, you’ll receive a personal affiliate link that you send to your community, this link tracks all your activity and sales. You’ll have 24hr access to all the activity happening with your affiliate account.
You can see if you have even a modest size community, this could be a nice extra stream of income for you while providing a wonderful and creative service that amplifies your current efforts and good work.
Other coaches, healers, practitioners, business people have reported that their client results increase noticeably as the client awakens their creativity via this process alongside working with them.
The curriculum of the class is intentionally designed to walk your client through a creative process that transforms the old making room for the new. The ‘old’ is their hurdle while the ‘new’ is what they’re aching for. The creative healing process is brilliant at bridging that gap.
Additional notes:
I generally work with women and while I have nothing against men, or allowing them to take the online class, it’s geared toward women.
If you wish to take the paid class for yourself, you’re welcome to do so for $150, a 50% discount. Please use this coupon code: CABaffiliate
*no commissions are paid on discounted courses.

I look forward to cultivating a wonderful relationship with you that serves your clients and community at a whole new level!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out:
(858) 270-6614
In Creative Love & Wholeness,
Laurie Morse, L.Ac.
For Questions Please Contact: support@5ElementCreativeHealing.com