On this page you will see pieces with images, symbols, and the intention of honoring the Divine Feminine.
Images of the feminine have been created since the beginning of time, on cave walls, leather, wood carvings, canvas, stone, wood etc. In the past several thousand years some images of the feminine have been destroyed and/or distorted (not all, but some).
We are in a period in human history where the Divine Feminine is coming into balance and harmony with the Divine Masculine.
If the patriarchy has tipped the scales out of balance, then tending to the feminine is vital to the re-balance. When a woman is making marks devoted to the feminine in the act of intentional creativity, she unhooks herself from the patriarchy. Then she is able to create anew.
To me, the patriarchy represents the old structures, programming, and patterns that no longer serve. There is now a ripeness for transcending the old, in favor of new realities that support the earth and all her inhabitants. It's not about throwing the baby out with the bath water but rather weaving what serves with the changes that are calling us forward.
Creating shapes and lines to represent a feminine face, or a storyline of abundance and good for all, that is not representational is purposeful in light of the fact that we're creating a new paradigm at this point in human history.
It no longer seems sustainable to churn out different versions of what isn't working. A human mind may be more able to accept non-representational images, colors, symbols, and marks rather than trying to make meaning of something that should represent something it's already seen. What we've already seen isn't 'new'.
Creating with the intention of supporting harmony, mark-making with devotion to the Divine, symbols that remind our psyche that this balance is not only possible, but it's normal, is my purpose in this gallery.
Take your time as you take the images in, see what it stirs awake in you, journal about your experience, share the page with those you feel it will benefit on
their journey.
And mostly, I thank you from my heart for taking your time in this gallery.
In Creative Love & Wholeness,

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