Just for the record Qi is your Life Force. It’s what beats your heart, pumps your blood, digests your food, and heals your body.

Sometimes Qi gets stuck. Some people don’t have enough Qi. While others have Qi in the wrong places.

It’s the usual cast of characters that cause ‘Qi problems’…poor nutrition, lack of rest and movement, shallow breathing, unresolved trauma and emotions, injury, and too much or too little of anything.

The Goldilocks effect definitely applies to Qi!

It is ample Qi flowing freely in your body that activates healing intelligence. This is equivalent to the Holy Grail for the Body, Mind, and Spirit.

In Chinese Medicine, there are 5 Elements which relate to specific organs, functions, and correspond to all things mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. (You know, all things having to do with being a slice of Cosmic Life Force, or an extension of the Universe in a human body).

Qi is in constant transformation. Transforming food into energy, excess into waste, breath into oxygen, and more. On and on goes the process from birth to death.

Thus transformation is imperative.

Transformation is also a word used to describe the process of healing into wholeness.

For example when a person has an old wound and the energy is still in their system impeding optimal function, and they intentional transform and release that old energy, they heal.

It’s what all of us are trying to do. Move out the old so the fresh can do the job it’s designed to do.

Transformation. I also like the word transmutation. And I LOVE the word alchemy.

Alchemy in our context would be the transmutation of unhealed, stagnant energy into the higher energy of optimal function, flow, health, and wholeness.

I’ll have some of that!

The 5 Elements are like a roadmap as well as powerful portals of understanding for creative healing and transformation. They are also entryways into the Creative Healing Process.

Here’s a small slice of the 5 Element pie:

  • Wood Element is associated w/Liver & Gallbladder
  • Fire Element is associated w/Heart & Small Intestine
  • Earth Element is associated w/Spleen~Pancreas & Stomach
  • Metal Element is associated w/Lungs & Large Intestine
  • Water Element is associated w/Kidneys ~ Adrenals & Urinary Bladder

I say ‘small slice’ because, for each of these systems, there are emotions, symptoms, colors, orifices, and much more, that put a spotlight on your personal roadmap and which way to go.

For example, you may be an over-thinker, have digestive problems, and low energy. The best portal for a 5 Element Creative Healing Process for you would be the Earth Element.

Or let’s say you feel fear (on any number of subjects), have a weak or painful low back, knees, and/or feet, and don’t sleep well. The best portal for you would be the Water Element.

What I mean by ‘portal’ is that you’d simply enter your Creative Healing Process via that elemental doorway in order to access energy and facilitate optimal healing.

Here’s another beautiful thing I’ve observed over the years, engaging in a creative healing process potentiates and enhances all the other things you’re doing to strengthen and heal. For example, your nutrition, or acupuncture sessions, or any other therapeutic support will work deeper, better, and often take less time when your creative life force is engaged.

Hint: Your Creative Life Force is the same energy as Your Qi. Giving your Creative Life Force ways to play, move, and transform HEALS you and your Qi.

Two more huge benefits of bringing a Creative Healing Process into your world:

1) It tends to bypasses the mind which is a big sticking point in the first place! A Creative Healing Process is able to reach past the gates of the mind, into the subconscious and release old patterns that have you feeling like you’re on a hamsters wheel with certain issues.

2) This process is the most gentle, joyful, and effective I’ve seen. It’s one of the most enjoyable therapeutic tools I’ve encountered and I’ve been a healer for 30 years, well-versed in what’s around – some would say a little ‘obsessed’.

It’s important to understand how a human being moves through transformation,

read all about it here!